Do more, with less

Harness custom AI workflows,
with zero technical knowledge

Get Started Today

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Try Magpai for free, right now, in your browser.

Automate the creation of images, videos, PDFs, PowerPoints, & more!

Book a Consultation

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Hire us for a hands on workshop. Learn how to meaningfully integrate AI.

Need something bespoke? We can even build it for you!

But how does Magpai work?

Magpai is a web based, AI workflow builder. A truly "AI First" multimedia content creation platform.

With no technical knowledge; Combine 100s of simple, accessible tools with a visual workflow editor. Build unique, specific workflows for you and your team.

An example of a custom workflow to reliably mark tests.

And then what?

Workflows can then live and grow with your team's needs.

Run workflows online, on the go, via an API, from 3rd party apps, and more!

  • (Form, Chat, Spreadsheet)
  • Mobile app
  • API
  • Canva & Figma plugins
  • GSuite & Office plugins
  • Dropbox & GDrive plugins
  • And more!

Why would I want to build on Magpai?

Well, because it's the best!

But here are some reasons our customers are using Magpai:

  • Build your process once, and instantly run it anywhere
  • Simplify payment of lots of niche AI providers, through us with one monthly fee
  • Workflows organically evolve with your team and business
  • Assemble a "Personal AI Assistant" that lets you do the more important work
  • Rapidly develop and iterate on personalized business templates for clients (Often from months to weeks)
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