Magpai Help

What is Magpai?

Magpai is a web based content creation platform. We provide a whiteboard-style interface that allows you to create content visually, out of building blocks.

Imagine all the manual steps you do in PhotoShop;
 laid out visually,
  with the ability to edit individual steps,
   and the ability to click "Generate" and have workflow run..

Magpai allows you to use the latest AI and graphics technology without having to worry about any setup. We provide an on-demand system to allow you to go from prototype to production with minimal concern.

Right here, in you web browser!

Things to know!

  • All uploads and workflow temporary files are public (Private storage, and local temp files will be added soon)
  • You agree to use AI nodes at your own risk. Some models have non-commercial restrictions. Where possible we label this, but for now, this is up to you to follow.
  • Our terms & conditions are pretty detailed, but do not use Magpai, or our AI providers to produce any illegal, or pornographic content.
  • You are very welcome to monetize, commericalize, and build on top of Magpai!
  • We have a public roadmap here
  • Have fun!


Hotkeys are a way of working more quickly in Magpai. Use these to quickly access repetitive tasks.

  • Save Workflow Control + Shift + S
  • View preview of selected node r
  • Select all nodes Control + A
  • Select multiple nodes Control + Shift/Command
  • View info panel for selected node i
  • Execute selected node e
  • Zoom to/Focus selected node f
  • DupBulletItemcate selected node d
  • Open up node menu Tab
  • Show minimap for node network m

If you get really stuck, please reach out to us!

Further help

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